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The Actor Behind the ApeThe leader of the troops walks slowly through the ranks of soldiers, who part respectfully, as he looks at them with an expression that combines anger, pain and grim intent. But this isn’t a human commander. It’s Caesar, the ape who is the principal figure in 20th Century Fox’s “Planet of the Apes” franchise. The scene comes from the latest in the series, “War for the Planet of the Apes,” which opens in the United States on July 14, and has generated laudatory reviews.In “War,” the fragile truce between humans and apes has given way, and we discover the sinister Colonel (played by Woody Harrelson), whose early actions set in motion a series of devastating events for both populations.帶領部隊的長官慢慢走進士兵的隊伍中,士兵們尊敬地讓開,他仔細檢視他們,臉上的表情夾雜著憤怒、痛苦和不屈服的決心。但這位長官不是人類的指揮官。牠是「凱撒」,這頭猩猩是20世紀福斯公司「猩球崛起」系列電影的主角。這一幕出自此系列的新片「猩球崛起:終極決戰」,7月14日在美國上映,已經佳評如潮。在「終極決戰」片中,人類和猩猩之間脆弱的停火已維持不下去,而我們發現這位陰險的上校(伍迪哈里森飾演),他的初步行動開啟了一連串對人類和猩猩的毀滅事件。英國演員安迪席克斯在「猩球崛起:終極決戰」的紐約首映會,做出跟主角猩猩相同的表情。 歐新社 分享 facebook Caesar, the ape whose expressions we are watching via digital transformation as he reacts to the Colonel’s murderous deeds and musters his forces, is played by British actor Andy Serkis. In BoxOfficeMojo.com’s ranking of actors by their ticket sales, Serkis is in the top 30, outflanking Brad Pitt and Daniel Radcliffe, among other far more famous names. His films average $125 million at the box office, more (by some distance) than those of Samuel L. Jackson or Tom Hanks. He has been acting professionally for nearly 30 years and has starred in numerous movies, some of them blockbusters like “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, the 2005 “King Kong,” “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and the “Apes” reboot.Yet, for most moviegoers, Serkis, 53, is probably neither a household name nor face, since he has specialized for more than a decade in creating roles through performance capture — a complex technology that records the movement and facial expressions of human actors and then painstakingly renders them digitally to create fantastical characters, like Caesar, Gollum and King Kong.凱撒,我們正透過數位轉換看著牠的表情的這頭猩猩,牠在對「上校」的凶狠行徑做出反應並召集牠的部隊,牠是由英國演員安迪席克斯飾演。在票房網站BoxOfficeMojo.com的男演員票房排行,安迪席克斯排在前30名,勝過布萊德彼特和丹尼爾雷德克里夫,還有其他名氣大得多的演員。他的電影平均票房1.25億美元,比山繆傑克森、湯姆漢克還多(差距不小)。他從事專業演出近30年,主演過許多電影,其中不乏大賣片,像是「魔戒」三部曲、2005年的「金剛」、「星際大戰7:原力覺醒」和「猩球崛起」的重拍電影。然而,對大多數電影觀眾來說,53歲的席克斯大概不是家喻互曉的名字或臉孔,因為他十多年來專精於透過動態捕捉科技創造角色─這是一種複雜的科技,記錄人類演員的動作和表情,再費力地數位化,創造出想像的角色,像是凱撒、咕嚕和金剛。Caesar, wrote A.O. Scott of The New York Times in a review of “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,” is “a role that continues to redefine screen acting in the digital age. His facial expressions and body language are so evocatively and precisely rendered that it is impossible to say where his art ends and the exquisite artifice of Weta Digital, the special-effects company, begins.”紐時影評人A.O.史考特在「猩球崛起:黎明的進擊」的評論寫道,凱撒是「數位時代繼續重新定義大銀幕表演的角色。他的臉部表情和身體語言如此生動和精準演出,不可能說他的演藝止於何處,特效公司Weta數位公司的精良技術又自何處開始。」文/Roslyn Sulcas譯/田思?
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